
Friday, June 19, 2015

Survery Blog

1. What are you trying to understand with your survey?
What people want to do with their lives after High school.

 2. Did the demographic questions you asked help you with understanding the results?
Yes very much, I noticed that girls who are 16-17 new what they wanted to do in the future much more than boys that are 15.

3. What would you change, if you could, in your survey?
I would add a open answer question asking what is their dream college.

4. Is there a difference in the boys results vs. the girls results? Explain.
Yes, it seems girls have more of an idea of what they want to do in life.

5. What question told you the most from your survey? Explain.
Asking if they are planning on going to college, everyone said yes.

6. What summary can you give if at all about your results. If there are several please separate the results.
That everyone wants to go to college and almost everyone wants to go to a state school or University. There weren't any students who wanted to go to online colleges. Many more students didn't know what they wanted to do with their lives rather than knowing.

 7. What is something you liked about this project?
I enjoyed making the questions and passing them out.